
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Strawberry Whole Wheat Pancakes

I recently went to the grocery and, as always, checked out the $1.09 rack - which is where produce that is past the point of looking good enough to pay full price end up.  I came across two bushels of very ripe strawberries, I put them in my cart and went about my shopping.  As soon as I got home I washed the strawberries and picked out the bad ones (of course there were some with mold that were beyond saving).  I then cut off the tops and placed them in the freezer for future smoothies and pancake toppings!  I made wheat pancakes and heated the strawberries separately in a small sauce pan, adding just a bit of water. No sugar was necessary because the berries were so ripe when I froze them; their natural sweetness was just enough, especially when combined with maple syrup.  The berries simmered over medium-low heat with occasional stirring for about 15-20min to allow the water to evaporate and the strawberries to form into a slightly thick  consistency, some juice was desired so that it absorb into the pancake. All I can say is that Eric had more than one serving, and I did as well.

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